How do I correct the clan path in Family Tree?

The yellow clan path on the First Ancestor view follows the direct paternal line. The line goes from the first ancestor at the top to the person of focus at the bottom. You can correct the clan path to show adoptions or other situations where the clan path is not correct.

Basic steps

Before you begin, double-check that you are a part of this ancestor's clan. Clan path rules are more specific than other genealogical relationships. Even if you are related, you might not connect to the path.

  1. Add the parents who should be in the clan path to Family Tree.
  2. Select the parents who should be in the clan path as the preferred parents.
  3. Add the first ancestor to the person who should be in the clan.
  4. Return to the original person of focus.

(Optional) Copy the first ancestor's ID

Copying the first ancestor's ID number makes part of this correction process easier:

  1. On the First Ancestor pedigree, display the first ancestor.
  2. On the first ancestor's tile, click the ID beneath the name and years.

Step 1. Add the parents to Family Tree

Make sure that Family Tree contains the parents who should be in the clan path. If a person was adopted into a different clan, you can add both the biological and adopted parents.

  1. On the First Ancestor pedigree, click the tile of the person who should be in the clan path.
  2. On the side panel, click View Person.
  3. On the person page, scroll to Family Members.
  4. If the correct parents do not show, click + Add Parent, and add them.

Step 2. Select the preferred parents

Family Tree uses the preferred parents to display the clan path. If the clan path should go through adoptive parents, choose them as the preferred parents:

  1. On the person page, scroll back down to the bottom of the Family Members section.
  2. Click Set Preferred.
  3. Click the preferred parents.
  4. Click Save.

The Preferred option appears when a person shows more than one set of parents. If a person has only one set of parents, they are the preferred parents by default.

(Optional) Set the relationship type

In Family Tree, relationship types identify how parents and children are related. By default, Family Tree sets a parent-child relationship to biological. You can change it to adoptive, foster, guardianship, or step.

Setting the relationship type allows Family Tree to preserve and present information more accurately.

  1. In the Family Members section, find the person in the second column, listed as a child with parents.
  2. Next to the child's name, click the Edit icon .
  3. Under the father's information, look at Relationship to Child. To change or add the relationship, click the Edit icon or click + Add Relationship Type.
  4. In the top box, click the down arrow.
  5. Click the correct relationship type.
  6. Enter a reason that the information is correct.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat this process for the wife.

Step 3. Add the first ancestor

Add the first ancestor to the person where the clan path breaks down.

  1. On the person page, scroll to the top, and then click View Tree. You are returned to the first ancestor pedigree.
  2. If the person who should be in the clan is not the person of focus, return him or her to that position:
    1. Click the tile of the person who should be in the clan.
    2. In the side panel, click View Tree.
  3. In the message box, click Add First Ancestor.
  4. Click By ID number.
  5. Paste in the ID number of the first ancestor.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Add Match.
  8. Click OK.

(Optional) Clean up any data problems in the clan path

Data problems in the family line can prevent the system from finding the clan path. Look for these kinds of problems:

  • Duplicate people
  • Looping
  • Relationship errors

Step 4. Return to your original person of focus

  1. Click Recents.
  2. Click the name of the person.

The yellow clan path should now display correctly.

How do I add step, adopted, and foster parents to a child in Family Tree?
How do I set the preferred spouse or parents in Family Tree?
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