How do I find the new family group tree feature that was announced at RootsTech?

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Family Group Trees

At RootsTech 2024, FamilySearch announced family group trees, a feature that helps you work together with your close family in a shared living tree.

Steps (website)

  1. While signed in on FamilySearch, go to FamilySearch Labs.
  2. On the Family Group Trees card, click Try It.
  3. Read the instruction page. A video describing how to use the feature is located towards the end of the page. At the bottom of the page, you can access a lot of help about how to use it. Because the feature has not yet been released officially, this help is not currently accessible from FamilySearch's Help and Learning Center.
  4. Click Turn On Early Access.
  5. Please provide feedback about the experience in the community group for Family Group Trees. You can also ask questions and get answers from users who have been using it.
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