How do I request the removal of a memory or person tag from a person?

To request removal of a memory, contact the contributor or use the Report Abuse feature.

  • You can ask for removal of the memory from FamilySearch.
  • You can ask for the removal of the person tag from the memory.
  • If your name is in a topic tag, you can remove the tag yourself.
  • You can request removal of copyrighted material.

Work directly with the contributor of a memory. If the contributor refuses your request, use Report Abuse.

Steps (website)

  1. On the FamilySearch website, open the memory.
  2. Click the contributor name. Send the contributor an email or FamilySearch message with your request.
  3. If the contributor does not respond or comply with your request, contact FamilySearch:
    1. Open the memory.
    2. At the upper right of the memory page, click the 3 dots.
    3. Click Report Abuse
    4. Click one of the options.
    5. In the Report field, explain the problem, what you want FamilySearch to do about it, and what you did to try to solve the problem.
    6. Click Submit.

Steps (Family Tree mobile app)

  1. In the Family Tree mobile app, open the memory.
  2. If you are using the iOS app, tap the memory to display the options.
  3. Tap the contributor name, and send an email or FamilySearch message with your request.
  4. If the contributor does not respond or comply with your request use the FamilySearch website to report abuse. The Report Abuse feature allows our administrators to identify the exact memory that needs attention.

Who can view the items uploaded to memories for living people?
How do I add or remove topic tags in Memories?

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