How do I view my ancestors' memories (photos, stories, documents, and audio files)?

On the FamilySearch website, you can see memory items that are attached to your relatives. 

Steps (website)

  1. ​Sign in to FamilySearch
  2. At the top of the page, click Memories.
  3. Click People
  4. Find the person that you are interested in and click the name. 
    • Note: To change the list of people shown on the screen, click the Show drop-down list, and choose an option.
    • Note: To change how the list of people is sorted, click the Sort by drop-down list, and choose an option.
  5. To see how you are related to a particular person on this list, click View My Relationship.
  6. To view the person's family tree, click View Tree.
  7. To receive notifications when information about a person on this list changes, click the star icon. When you are following a person, the interior of the star is black. To stop following a person, click a black star icon.

Steps (mobile app)

The Family Tree and Memories mobile apps only display memory items that you attached to a person. 

Steps (Family Tree Lite)

Family Tree Lite does not provide this feature.

When unrelated people appear on the list

If the People page in Memories contains someone you are not related to, you must fix the relationships in Family Tree. You cannot remove a person from the People page in Memories.

As you make these corrections, check all attached sources and memory items, and verify the relationship.

How do I view my relationship to a person in Memories?
How do I correct parent-child relationships in Family Tree?
How do I add or change marriage information in Family Tree?

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