How to enter Samoan names into Family Tree


Last names did not come into existence in Samoa until the late 19th century when European nations started to colonize.

The given name is one name given at birth. The name could consist of several ideas or words, none of which is the last name.

Many Samoans have a nickname. In many cases, this is a shortened, or abbreviated form of the given name. The name Tevi, for example, is a nickname for Tevita.

In addition to their first and last names, some Samoans chiefs have a title. Family titles are ancestral names that are passed down generation after generation to the chiefs. Anciently, these titles would replace a given name. Today, titles are put at the front of the given name. Both men and women can have titles.

Samoans can also be assigned a role. Chiefs hold the prominent role of supporting and sustaining their family and village. Their roles are identified by their titles. Again, these should not be confused with first or last names.

Enter a Samoan name into Family Tree

Select the Samoan language template. The language templates can be found in the drop-down menu above the Name fields.

If the person has a title, enter the title into the Title field. Do not enter it as a first or last name.

Enter the person’s first name—the name given at birth—into the First Names field. If the person’s name consists of more than one word, enter all of the words into the same field.

If the person has more than one first name, enter all of the names together into the First Names field. This is the same as adding a so-called middle name.

Do not enter roles or nicknames as first names. You can add them after you create the person’s profile (go to the Details, and enter the section titled Other Information).

Enter the person’s last name into the Last Names field.

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