My gallery in Memories is too full

If you contribute many photos, stories, documents, and audio files to FamilySearch, your gallery can become so full that it is difficult to manage. To declutter your gallery, you can move memories to your archive.

When you archive memories, they remain online for others to see. If you have tagged them to a person in Family Tree, the tag remains, and other users can still see the memories. The only change is that you no longer see the memory in your gallery. 

From the archive, you can view and work with your memory items. You can also move items back to your gallery.

Steps (website)

  1. While signed in on FamilySearch, click Memories.
  2. Click Gallery
  3. Click the memory that you want to add to archive.
  4. In the upper right of the memory viewer, click the 3 dots icon.
  5. Click Move to Archive.

Steps (Apple iOS Memories mobile app)

  1. From in the Memories mobile app, tap the item you want to archive.
  2. In the upper right, tap the 3 dots icon.
  3. Tap Move to Archive

Steps (Android Memories mobile app)

  1. Open the Memories app on your Android mobile device.
  2. In the upper right, tap the 3 dots icon.
  3. Tap Select Memories.
  4. Tap in the circle for any memories that you want to move to the archive.
  5. In the upper right, tap the 3 dots icon.
  6. Tap Move to Archive.

Steps (Family Tree Lite)

You cannot use memories on Family Tree Lite. Please use the Family Tree Memories app or the full version of the FamilySearch website.

Can I remove memories from the archive?
Can I remove a photo, story, document, or audio file from Memories?
The Memories mobile app is taking up too much space

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