A new look and feel for Source Linker

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Video Companion
Introduction to the New Source Linker

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We’ve improved our technology to provide a faster, more secure experience. We’ve also updated the design to make room for new features that help you link sources to your ancestors.

For example, we added color to various links and buttons to help users understand their options better.

  • The green Add button is for adding a person in the historical record to the FamilySearch Family Tree. If the ancestor is already in Family Tree, the green Add button will be for adding a detail or fact to an ancestor’s person page.
  • The purple Compare button is for deciding if the person in the record is the same as the person in Family Tree. If this is the case, you can attach the record to the person’s profile.
  • The detach button is for removing the connection between the historical record and the person in Family Tree. You would do this if you discovered that the person in the historical record is different from the person mentioned in Family Tree.
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We also created a separate viewing panel on the right side of the screen for viewing records and person profiles from Family Tree.

The panel is an important addition because it allows you to view this information without leaving the Source Linker.

The panel opens when you click on a person’s name or click the button to view the record.

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