How do I restore an Other Relationship that was deleted from Family Tree?

Deleted data is still saved in the Family Tree change history, so you can restore almost anything you delete. To restore Other Relationships, go to the Latest Changes menu on the person page.

Before you start

Please be sure to review any sources, notes, discussions, and reason statements that have already been added about this relationship. Sources can be found on the sources tab of a person’s page, or they can be linked to relationships themselves. To see specific relationship sources, open a relationship edit menu.

Steps (website)

  1. In Family Tree, go to the person page of the individual with the relationship you want to restore.  
  2. Click Details
  3. In the right panel, find Latest Changes. 
  4. Click Show All
  5. At the top of the changes list, click Filter
  6. A panel will appear on the right.  
  7. Scroll down to the Other Relationships section. 
  8. Click the Relationship type you’re looking for. The change history for this relationship type will appear in the search list to the left.   
  9. Scroll down to the relationship you want to restore. Look for a relationship that is labeled Relationship Deleted.  
  10. To the far right of the page, click Restore. If the Restore link is not shown, click Reference, and then click Restore.
  11. Enter a reason statement to show why you know the relationship should be restored. This will help other users understand the change and discourage people from making inaccurate changes in the future.  
  12. Click Restore

Steps (mobile app)

  1. On the individual's profile page, tap the three dots in the top right corner. 
  2. Tap Recent changes
  3. If it is available, you can tap Restore to revert back to the previous information.

What is the Other Relationships feature in Family Tree?
How do I add Other Relationships to Family Tree?
How do I view the change history for an Other Relationship to a person in Family Tree?
How do I edit Other Relationships in Family Tree?

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