"These generations do not connect through a patrilineal line"

This message appears for one of two reasons:

To solve these problems, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Add the missing generations

Step 1. At the top-right of the person's tile, click +.

  • If you are working from the top of your tree to the bottom, select Add Children.
  • If you are working from the bottom to the top, select Add Parents.
Family Tree, First Ancestor View, Add More Generations

Step 2. Select the language template. It is above the name fields.

Then enter the name and other information, and select Next.

Family Tree First Ancestor View Name Template

Step 3. Check the possible matches.

Family Tree checks to see if the person you are adding is already in its database. The left column displays the person you entered. The right column lists possible matches, if found.

  • If a match is listed, select Add Match.
  • If no match is found, select Create Person.
Family Tree First Ancestor View Possible Duplicates

Step 4. Repeat until you have added all the missing generations.

Fix the parent-child relationships.

Step 1. Click the parent's identification number to copy it.

This unique identification number contains letters and numbers and is located on the person's tile.

Family Tree First Ancestor View Copy ID

Step 2. On the son's tile, click +, and select Add Parent.

Family Tree First Ancestor View Add Parent

Step 3. Select By ID Number, and paste parent's ID into the field.

Then select Next.

Family Tree Find by ID--English

Other factors causing broken trees

Apart from the main reasons mentioned previously, the following factors can also cause broken trees.

The person of focus is not a direct patrilineal descendant of the first ancestor

Even if you are a direct descendant of the person listed as the first ancestor, this message may appear if you're not in the first ancestor's patrilineal line (male line). To view other relationship types, use a different pedigree view like the landscape view.

Note: On occasion, the yellow clan path may include a woman if she has the same family name as the first ancestor.

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