Unfinished Attachments - How to add Others on Record to Family Tree

Table of Contents:

  1. Attaching a person from the record to someone already in Family Tree
  2. Attaching a person from the record to a new profile in Family Tree
  3. Remove the Unfinished Attachments notification

If not all people identified in a record are attached to a profile in Family Tree, the "Unfinished Attachments" notification appears in the Source listing. Some people identified in the record could be unrelated to the focus person. Examples include a neighbor, friend, ecclesiastical leader, informant, or employer. Unrelated people show in the Others on Record section of the record.

From the Source list on a person page:

  1. From the Source list on a person page, click Unfinished Attachments. The Source Linker opens.
  2. The panel on the left shows people from the record. The panel on the right shows people in Family Tree that match the record.
  3. Locate the Others on Record section toward the bottom of the page. Click Open.
  4. Review the names in the Others on Record section.
    • A name with a check mark beside it indicates that the record is already attached to someone in Family Tree. You do not need to change anything for that person.

Attach people from the record to someone already in Family Tree:

If names in the Others on Record list match someone listed on the right side of the Source Linker, use these steps:

  1. Drag and drop the name so that it lines up with a name on the right side of the Source Linker.
  2. Click Attach.
  3. Review the information about the person.
  4. Add a reason for why you are attaching the record and click Attach.
  5. If you decide the person is not a match, click and drag the name back to Others on Record.

Attach people from the record to a new profile in Family Tree:

If names do not match names on the right side of the Source linker, you can add the name to Family Tree. Keep in mind that the person could still be alive. Living person profiles are private and are not found in a search.

  1. From Source Linker, click View Record to open the Record Information panel on the right. Look for what year the record was created. The Record Information can give clues about people and relationships on the record. Look at the original document image if it is available on FamilySearch.org.
    • If the document was created within the last century or so, research the person and decide if they are deceased.
    • If a person is deceased and is related to the focus person, drag and drop the name to the appropriate section of the record.
      • Click Add and create a profile in Family Tree. In the panel on the right, enter information for the person.
      • Click Create New Person.
    • To create a Family Tree profile for a person who is not related to the focus person on the record, continue with step 2.
  2. At the top of the page, click Family Tree.
  3. Right-click Recents and click Open in a new tab. Opening in a new tab keeps you from losing your Source Linker page.
  4. Click the new tab.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Recents list and click Add Unconnected Person.
  6. Add the name of the person that you want to add to Family Tree. Enter information that you found in the record.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Create Person.
  9. From the new person page, click their Tree ID.
  10. Return to the Source Linker page.
  11. In the panel on the left, click Change Person. Click the person you just added to Family Tree.
  12. In the panel on the right, click Change Person.
  13. Right-click in the search bar at the top of the panel. From the drop-down menu, click Paste.
  14. The ID of the new person appears in the search bar.
  15. Click Select.
  16. Click Attach.
  17. Enter a reason to attach the record.
  18. Click Attach.
  19. Continue working through the names listed in the Others on Record section until all are attached.
  20. If you do not find enough information to determine that a person is deceased, you can leave them unattached.

Remove the Unfinished Attachments notification:

From the Source list on a person page, click Dismiss.

To turn off the Unfinished Attachments notifications, click the Options tab in the upper-right corner of the Source list. Click the toggle.

If you dismiss the unfinished attachment notification, no user sees it. You cannot go back and review the dismissed notification. However, you can review the attachments for all sources attached to a person in Family Tree. Click the source title, and then click Review Attachments.

How do I add an unconnected person to Family Tree?
How do I handle unfinished attachments in Family Tree?
In the source linker, how do I change the focus person to attach sources to other people in Family Tree?
A new look and feel for Source Linker
Understanding the Source Linker screen layout
Understanding the focus person in Source Linker
Adding people to the Family Tree through Source Linker
View records and Tree profiles without leaving Source Linker
Viewing the source image and side panel in Source Linker
Editing your family tree from Source Linker
Determining in Source Linker if a source matches your ancestor
Using Source Linker to attach sources
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