Using drag and drop in Source Linker to organize families

In most cases, the names that you see listed in the left column of Source Linker represent members of the same family. If the names on the left column are not aligned correctly with the names on the right, you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping them with your mouse. This includes the names of relatives that appear in the “Other” section at the bottom of the left column.

If a name can be moved, the drag-and-drop icon will appear when you hover the mouse over that name.

To move a name:

  1. Click and hold the mouse button down over a name.
  2. Drag the name to the appropriate location in the left column.
  3. Release the mouse button to drop the name.

If there is no matching name

If there are no matching names but you are confident that a name in the left column is a family member, see Adding people to the Family Tree through Source Linker

Drag and Drop_2nd Image.png

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