Welcome to Family Review

The transcription you will review for this activity was generated by AI. Your task is to compare the transcription with the image and correct any errors you find.

The instructions in the sidebar will guide you through the review. The following is an overview of the entire activity.

Step 1: Find the Primary Person

Identify the primary person in the record. This is the individual (or individuals, depending on the record type) at the center of the event—the person who was born, for example, or the couple who was married.

Step 2: Review the Name, Sex, and Relationship

Verify that the primary person's name, sex, and relationships have been correctly documented in the transcription. If you see a mistake, you can fix it.

Verify that the names of the other people mentioned in the record have also been transcribed correctly.

  • Choose the relationship that connects them to the primary person.
  • If you cannot see the correct relationship type, select Other.

Step 3: Verify Events

Identify the primary event being documented, and verify that the place and date have been transcribed correctly.

  • The primary event is the reason the record was created.
  • In a birth certificate, for example, the primary event is the birth.

Historical records often contain information about other life events, and depending on the type of record, you may be asked to verify these as well. These are called inferred events. An example of an inferred event might be a birth date listed on a marriage certificate.

Step 4: Review and Submit

Before clicking Submit, take a moment to review your work. Double-check your corrections and look for any errors you may have missed. This is one final opportunity to ensure the accuracy of the transcription.

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