What are the different pedigree views in Family Tree?

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When you use Family Tree on the FamilySearch.org website, you can display your family tree in different ways. The different displays are “pedigree views” or "views." Each pedigree view has advantages.

Note: To select which icons show on your tree, click Options at the top right corner of the window.


The Landscape view displays your pedigree horizontally, with you in the center, your descendants to the left, and your ancestors to the right.

The Landscape view is available in Family Tree only on the FamilySearch.org website.


  • You can see many generations of a family at one time.
  • You can follow one family line back or forward in time.
  • You can see record hints, research suggestions, and data problems.
  • If you have added your spouse's ancestors, they display in the Landscape view.
  • You can see your children’s spouses.
  • You can see whether a person has links to other spouses or parents.
  • You can add people, life histories, events, and facts.
  • You can copy the ID just by clicking it.


The Portrait view displays your pedigree vertically. You and your descendants are at the bottom, while your ancestors are at the top. 

The Portrait view is available in Family Tree on the FamilySearch.org website and in the Family Tree mobile app.


  • You can see many generations of a family at one time.
  • You can follow one family line back or forward in time.
  • You can see record hints, research suggestions, and data problems.
  • You can add people, life histories, events, and facts.
  • You can copy the ID just by clicking it.

However, you cannot see multiple spouses or parents for a person.

Fan Chart

The Fan Chart view shows you at the bottom of the fan. Your spouse and children show below you with your ancestors displayed as you move up the fan.

The Fan Chart is available on the FamilySearch.org website and the Family Tree mobile app.


  • You can see up to 7 generations of your ancestors at once.
  • You can identify where family lines end.
  • You can see how many photos, stories, notes, and sources each person has.

Items you cannot see:

  • Multiple spouses or parents for a person
  • Tree IDs until you click a name to see the Summary Card.


The Descendancy view shows a couple’s descendants. The Descandance view is only available in Family Tree on the FamilySearch.org website.


  • You can see your ancestors’ descendants.
  • You can see record hints, research suggestions, and data problems.

First Ancestor

The First Ancestor view is a pedigree that displays clan or tribal genealogies (such as Chinese 家譜 or Korean 족보).

The First Ancestor view is only available on the full website.


  • The view is optimized for Chinese clan genealogies and similar patrilineal ancestry.
  • You can see record hints, research suggestions, and data problems.
  • You can add people, life histories, events, and facts.
  • You can see several generations on screen at once.
  • You can copy the ID just by clicking it.

What does the landscape view do in Family Tree?
What is the portrait pedigree view in Family Tree?
What does the descendancy view do in Family Tree?
How do I use the fan chart view in Family Tree?

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