What does "This extracted IGI record was used to create this person" mean?

In Family Tree, the following message appears in some sources: "This extracted IGI record was used to create this person."

  • The information about these people is from an older indexing effort. FamilySearch used the extracted information to identify the people and then published the information in the IGI.

In November 2014, FamilySearch added extracted records to Family Tree. FamilySearch attached the extracted record as a source on an existing Family Tree record.

  • In most cases, this process worked correctly. You can tell because the details on the extracted record either match or are similar to the details in Family Tree.
  • Sometimes an extracted record seems to be attached to the wrong person in Family Tree. The details on the extracted record are different from the details in Family Tree.

The error happened because the Family Tree record is the result of an incorrectly merged record. If you find 1 of these errors, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the extracted IGI source to your source box.
  2. Unmerge the incorrectly merged records. During this process, you create a record in Family Tree for the person to whom the extracted IGI source belongs. 
  3. Attach the extracted IGI source from your source box to the new record. 

From Family tree, how do I open my source box and attach a source to the person?
How do I copy a source from Family Tree to my source box?

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