What happens to portrait photos in Family Tree after a merge?

Merging duplicate records in Family Tree affects portrait photos. It works the same whether the merge is done in the web app or mobile app.

If both records have portrait photos

The surviving record keeps its portrait photo.

If the surviving record has a portrait, and the duplicate does not

The surviving record keeps its portrait photo.

If the surviving record does not have a portrait, and the duplicate does

The surviving record will keep a copy of the portrait from the duplicate. If the records are unmerged, the survivor keeps the a copy of the portrait acquired during the merge.

If you do not like the portrait of the surviving record

During a merge, all photos from the duplicate record are added to the surviving record. If you do not like the portrait photo of the surviving record, simply replace the portrait for the surviving record.

If the merged records are unmerged

If the merged records are later unmerged, the portraits change as follows:

  • The record that survived the merge keeps the portrait that it had before the unmerge occurred.
  • The record that was deleted due to the merge (and that is restored after the unmerge) gets the portrait that it had before the merge occurred. If it had no portrait, it has no portrait after the unmerge.

How do I add or change a portrait photo in Family Tree?
How do I edit a portrait photo in Family Tree?
How do I remove a portrait photo in Family Tree?

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