What is a record type?

Before you begin

We are transitioning to a new screen for editing historical records. Both screens are currently in use, and whether you see the old screen or the new screen is determined by the record collection. Only the new editing screen provides a field for identifying the record type.

Understanding record type

A historical record is a document that provides a record of past events or information. There are many different types of records, and the term “record type” describes the type of record you are looking at.

Here are some examples of record types:

  • birth records
  • marriage records
  • death records
  • census records
  • immigration and naturalization records
  • military records
  • probate records
  • tax records

Most of the categories in the list above can be divided into even more specific types of records. An agricultural census record and a civil parish census record, for example, are more specific examples of a census record.
Service records and draft cards are more specific examples of military records.

Why record type is important

When you identify the record type for a particular historical record, you make it easier for other people to search, find, and understand the information on that record.

Tips for identifying record type

If the record you are looking at is contained within a printed form, the form will likely have a title at the top of the document that identifies the record type. The other records in the image group will probably be the same record type.

If the record is handwritten, you will need to carefully read the information in the record before determining the record type. Do not base your decision on other entries in the image group, since notebooks and ledgers with handwritten entries often included multiple types of records in the same book.

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