In Family Tree, what is the clan path?

In Family Tree, the clan path shows how a person of focus is connected to his or her first ancestor. The person of focus is at the bottom of the pedigree. The first ancestor is at the top. The path follows the direct patrilineal line between them.

Going up from the person of focus, the clan path follows the father, grandfather, and other direct male ancestors. Starting at the first ancestor, it goes down through his sons, grandsons, and male descendants.

There are a few important things to know about the clan path:

  • The clan path is used on the First Ancestor view only. It does not affect the landscape, portrait, fan chart, or descendancy views.
  • The person of focus can have one first ancestor.
  • The clan path is patrilineal, meaning that it follows the male line. It can include a woman if she has the same family name as the first ancestor.
  • A clan path sometimes includes an adopted son instead of a biological son. In such cases, you can correct the clan path to show the adoption.

The First Ancestor view is not meant to be used as a general descendancy chart. It has been designed for cultures that calculate tribal, clan, and other family affiliations using this type of direct, paternal relationship.

How do I correct the clan path in Family Tree?
Family Tree shows the message, "These generations do not connect."

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