Future upgrades in Family Group Trees

The following features are planned, but not yet available in Family Group Trees:

Fan Chart, Descendancy, and First Ancestor

Family Group Trees work only with the landscape, portrait. The fan chart, descendancy, and first ancestor view do not work.

You cannot currently upload a memory to your gallery and then tag it to a person in your Family Group Tree. This feature will work in the future. For now, open the person in your Family Group Tree, click the person's memories, and upload the memory from there.

Find and following

The find and following features do not work in Family Group Trees.

Mobile app current limitations

In the Family Tree mobile app, the Family Group Tree functionality works on the iOS version of the app only.

In the iOS version of the app, the following features do not yet work:

  • Users cannot select the starting person.
  • Group administrators cannot add a Family Group Tree to an existing group.
  • Users cannot set a memory to be visible only to the group like they can on the website.

FamilySearch will release Family Group Trees summer 2024. The feature will be available to all FamilySearch users and will no longer be on labs.

What is new in Family Group Trees?
Frequently asked questions about Family Group Trees