What to Test: Person Page

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On FamilySearch Labs, click Try It under Family Group Trees.

Select every tab and try every option. We know there's a lot to do here. Does everything work as expected?

  • Click every tab. Try as many options as you can. They should all work as normal.
  • If you copy a person from your private list, make sure the information was copied as expected. If there were private memories in your private list, make sure they did not get copied to the family group.
  • Every group member should be able to:
    • Edit the tree and the details about each person.
    • Add sources and memories.
    • Merge duplicates within the Family Group Tree.
  • When you click the Ordinances tab for a living person, you should see, "This person is living. Ordinances for the living are not available."

Important: Remember that this is a real family tree. If you enter fake information for testing purposes, please fix it when you are done.

Ideas for what to try in Family Group Trees