Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to common questions about the new Family Group Trees feature.


What are Family Group Trees?
Who should use Family Group Trees?
Can my ward have a Family Group Tree?
Can a Family Group Tree include both people who are Church members and people who are not?
Are family groups and Family Group Trees the same thing?
Can I be in more than one Family Group Tree?
What features can I use in a Family Group Tree?
What is new in Family Group Trees?
Can I reserve ordinances from a Family Group Tree?
Are there size limits for Family Group Trees?

Group administration

How do I create a new family group with a Family Group Tree?
I already have a family group that shares ordinances. Can I add a Family Group Tree to this existing family group?
How do I give administration rights in a family group?
How do I edit a family group’s name, photo, description, and group rules?
When trying to create a group, why do I get an error about being under under age 18?
What happens to administration in the group if the only administrator is deleted or dies?
How do I send a message to a family group?
How do I join a family group?
How do I delete a group?


How do I invite others to the family group and be part of the Family Group Tree?
Why do I need to send a new invitation to each person. Can I just use the same invite for everyone?
How do I leave a family group?
How do I remove someone from a family group?

Tree creation, viewing, and building

How do I create a Family Group Tree?
How do I add new people to a Family Group Tree?
Who can see and edit information about me in a Family Group Tree?
Who can see and edit people in a Family Group Tree?
How can I tell which tree is displayed and switch between them?
How do I change the starting person for the Family Group Tree?
How does merging work in a Family Group Tree?
Do ordinances on living persons get copied?
Can I import a GEDCOM file into my Family Group Tree?

For more information

Where can I find more Family Group Trees help articles?
Future upgrades in Family Group Trees
What should I test during the early access of Family Group Trees?
Get early access
On FamilySearch Labs, click Try It under Family Group Trees.