How do I add new people to a Family Group Tree?

Get early access
On FamilySearch Labs, click Try It under Family Group Trees.

Group participants can add people to a Family Group Tree by either typing the information in or copying from their private list.

While building the Family Group Tree, all group participants should be aware of and follow the privacy guidelines and FamilySearch terms of use.

Family Group Trees do not currently allow GEDCOM imports and third-party applications, such as data transfer from or products like RootsMagic, Legacy, or Ancestral Quest.

Steps (website)

Add people from the tree

  1. While signed into FamilySearch, click your name in the upper-right corner.
  2. Click Family Groups.
  3. For the group you want, click View Group.
  4. Click View Tree.
    • Note: You can find the View Tree button next to the group picture. If it is not there, a group administrator must first turn on the family group tree option.
  5. Click the spot where you can add the person:
    • If you are on the portrait view, click + on the tile of the person whose relative you want to add. Then click the option that you want.
    • If you are on the landscape or another view, click the spot on the pedigree where you can add a person.
  6. Your list of private persons appears.
    • If the person is on the list, click the name, and then Copy to Person.
    • If the person is not in your private list, click By Name, and enter the person's information as you would normally.

    Note: You can add a living person to your tree using the ID number as long as that ID number is for a person who is in our private tree or in this same family group tree. If the person is in someone else's private tree or in a different family group tree, you will need to add the person by entering the name and other details again.

Add people from the Family Group Tree page

  1. While signed into FamilySearch, click your name in the upper-right corner.
  2. Click Family Groups.
  3. For the group you want, click View Group.
  4. Locate the Tree Options section on the right side and select the button that says Copy From My Tree
  5. A pop-up window appears. Click Select People.
  6. On this private tree, choose which people you would like to copy into your Family Group Tree.

    1. Note: From the private tree that appears, you'll see that people listed as Living on FamilySearch will be highlighted. These are the only people you can copy into the Family Group Tree.
  7. Once you have selected everyone you wish to be in the Family Group Tree, select Copy to Group in the upper-right corner.
  8. Read the informational pop-up window, and select Continue to Pedigree

You'll see the people you added to the tree on this pedigree, as well as the ancestors they connect to.

Steps (mobile)

Note: The option to copy select people from your private list does not yet work on the iOS mobile app. To use this feature, you will need to use Family Tree on the FamilySearch website.

  1. Switch to the tree that you want to use.
  2. Tap the spot where you can add the person to the tree. If you do not see one, tap the person's name. Then tap Spouses to add a spouse or child or Parents to add a parent or siblings.
  3. Add the person:
    • To type the person in, leave the screen on the Add Person tab. Enter the details and continue as normal.
    • To copy from your private list, tab Copy From My Tree, tap the person, and tap Copy Person to Pedigree.

      Note: You can add a living person to your tree using the ID number as long as that ID number is for a person who is in our private tree or in this same family group tree. If the person is in someone else's private tree or in a different family group tree, you will need to add the person by entering the name and other details again.

How do I create a Family Group Tree?
How do I add a Family Group Tree to an existing family group?