What is my person list?

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Your person list contains all of the living people that are in your private tree. Family Tree adds people to your person list if they were born less than 110 years from the day you enter the information into Family Tree and if you have not entered a death date.

Family Tree does not go back through your person list and recalculate whether 110 years have passed since the person’s birth. People added to your person list stay there until you add death information or delete them from Family Tree.

If you have been using Family Tree for a long time, you may be surprised at who is in your person list. It can be worthwhile to periodically research the people on your list to see if they still need to be kept private. Adding death information to a person’s record moves them from your private tree into the public tree, where other users can find and enjoy the information you found.

You can see your private people list in the My Contributions section of Family Tree. It is also visible when you are copying information from it into a Family Group Tree.

Options for adding people to a Family Group Tree
How do I add people to a Family Group Tree?