Family Group Tree

If you do not yet have a family group with whom you want to share a Family Group Tree, you can create one.
If you participated in earlier testing for Family Group Trees, you may be wondering what is new.
Family Group Trees are a new type of family group on FamilySearch. They allow FamilySearch to share a family tree with their living family members.
During the Family Group Tree pilot, users may receive an invitation to join a group that is testing a new Family Group Tree feature.
You can leave a family group easily if you no longer want to participate in the family group tree preview.
Group administrators can remove a participant of a family group.
To create a Family Group Tree, you can either create a new group or turn on a tree for one of your existing groups.
Send messages to group members using FamilySearch Chat.
A family group can have up to 3 administrators. The person who creates a group is automatically its first administrator. Administrators give administration rights to other group members.
The following features are planned, but not yet available in Family Group Trees.
If you are an administrator of a family group, you can turn on a Family Group Tree for an existing group.
Your person list contains all of the living people that are in your private tree.
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