
Memories on FamilySearch can have one of the following visibility settings:
Adding key details like title and description to your photos, documents, or stories can help you stay organized and preserve important information.
You can add topic tags to describe the photos, stories, and audio files on FamilySearch. Examples are: recipe, war hero, baptism.
Individual memories can be added to albums and stories.
You can delete albums. Memories from the deleted album remain in your gallery.
Some image files that have been uploaded to FamilySearch were originally saved in a way that causes an error when the file is set as a profile portrait in Family Tree. This is most common with the jpeg file type. When the portrait creation process encounters this type of file error it results in an “Upload Failed” warning.
In Family Tree, we recommend that you move some information from the life history to notes. Specifically, move all information that is not a life history to the notes. If you think that other users should read the information before making changes, move the content to an alert note.
You can request that we delete memories or person tags that you did not contribute.
Have you seen the latest? The Person Page on FamilySearch Family Tree is changing and adding some fun new features. This short video will highlight them.
Memories contributed to FamilySearch remain on FamilySearch after the contributor dies. When a FamilySearch user passes away, if FamilySearch knows about the death, the system locks the account. All memories contributed by that user remain in our database, though they may not be easily found.
Record yourself or someone else telling a 5-minute story about a photo or document you uploaded to Memories.
You can remove a memory item as well as restore an item you removed. If you permanently delete the item, you cannot restore it.
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