Mobiilirakenduste abi

FamilySearchil on kolm mobiilirakendust: Family Tree, Memories ja Rootstech.
Download FamilySearch mobile apps to take your family history and genealogy research on the go. Look for the Family Tree, Memories, and Get Involved apps in your device's app store.
Vaadake, millised operatsioonisüsteemid tagavad FamilySearchi mobiilirakenduste toimimise kõige paremini.
Discover the variety of features on the FamilySearch mobile apps.
You can find online help for the FamilySearch mobile apps.
You can force the mobile app to sync with the web interface.
Here are some solutions that you can try if the app on your Android device does not synchronize with the web.
Learn the different purposes and functions of the Family Tree and Memories app.