
Do you find yourself confused with Nordic naming practices? This class will walk you through the naming practices for the countries of Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Demark - explaining their similarities and differences. It will also outline good practices on how to navigate these naming patterns as you input your family into FamilySearch Family Tree.Go to the following timestamps to learn about your desired country's naming pattern: Sweden 5:00Finland 12:23Denmark 26:00Norway 32:04
Dive into researching your Finnish roots! This class will give you the basic background of Findland, discuss naming conventions, explain the basic research strategy, and explore websites available for Finnish research.
In this lesson, we will cover how to find individuals in the pre-confirmation records available on the National Archives of Finland website.
This lesson will cover how to find marriage and death records on the National Archives of Finland website.
This video will cover how to find a family in the communion records on the website for the National Archives of Finland.
Here you will learn how to find the Birth and Christening Records in the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Parish Records on the website DIGITAALIARKISTO.
This lesson is an introduction to using the Finnish Website DIGITAALIARKISTO (The National Archives of Finland). In this video, you will learn the objectives of this series and how to navigate to the website.
This lesson explains the basics of Finnish Genealogy and demonstrates how to solve problems in the original records.
You have incomplete information about your ancestor Johanna Jacobsdotter. She was born 14 December 1807. You know she was born in Finland. Find the names of the parish and village where she was born, and the names of her parents and siblings.
In this lesson you will learn to use HisKi, a database of church record extracts created by the Genealogical Society of Finland and be introduced to Finland's Family History Association (FFHA), and online site of digitized images and Digihakemisto, asite of digitized images taken from the National Archives of Finland. You will view representative church records on these sites including Household Examinations (Rippikirjat), Births (Syntyneet), Marriages (Vihityt), and deaths (Kuolleet).
This class discusses the research cycle used in the Scandinavian countries and discusses key laws and events that affected record keeping in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway.